Group LLP IBB Forms


Please Complete both the iBB Application Form and the Resolutions.

IBB Application Form

Group Lead LLP

For an LLP who wishes to be the Lead Entity of a Group of Companies


Group Company LLP

For all LLP’s who wish to be part of the Group, but not as the Lead Entity

Guidance Notes

For all applications please ensure the iBB Application form and the relevant resolution(s) are completed.

Please ensure that the iBB Application Form is signed in accordance with the resolution as this may differ from your bank mandate.

If the User is a Local Administrator and/or a Payments Authoriser we require their UK residential address, Date of Birth & an email address (this can be their business email).

For View Only access please do not complete Payment Limits as these are not applicable.

If payments (Single or Bulk) are required please ensure the User Payment Limits are completed on Page 2 for all Payment Authorisers.

If you require bulk payments please ensure you tick the relevant bulk settlement box beside the accounts you want to use for bulk payments. Dr is for direct debit collections and CR is for salary and supplier payments.

If you need to add details of additional accounts, please print and complete additional copies of page 2. If you need to add details of additional users, please print and complete additional copies of page 3.

We recommend TWO Local Administrators are required to authorise setup modifications as this is more secure in a multi-user environment.

We recommend TWO Users are required to authorise ALL payments as this is more secure in a multi-user environment.