iBB Exchange Rates
The links below show the exchange rates that are applicable for the current business day for both AIB (NI) and Allied Irish Bank (GB).
We provide ‘live’ FX pricing to iBB customers for cross currency transactions executed on the platform. The rates listed are the static buy and sell rates, established at the start of each business day, that will be applied to International Payments (within threshold) made through iBB where no ‘live’ FX price is available.
If a valid reference is provided for a booked dealer rate or forward contract, the denoted rate will apply. A live FX rate will be applied to any residual amount where available.
Charges will be taken from the account that the payment was made from, unless otherwise agreed between you and the bank.
Charges will be taken immediately after the payment has been authorised, unless otherwise agreed between you and the bank.
Charges from foreign currency accounts will be taken using the sell rate equivalent of the charge for the day the payment was made.
See the charges and maximum execution times for payments made using the AIB (NI) iBB International Payments module. |
See the charges and maximum execution times for payments made using the AIB (NI) iBB Domestic Payments module. |
Please Note: No International Payments can be processed via iBB after 4.00pm
Allied Irish Bank (GB) exchange rates
These rates will apply when making payments from your Allied Irish Bank (GB) accounts.
Rates are variable and subject to change, without notice, at any time.
Details of Allied Irish Bank (GB) exchange rates are available here.
AIB (NI) exchange rates
These rates will apply when making payments from your AIB (NI) accounts.
Rates are variable and subject to change, without notice, at any time.
Details of AIB (NI) exchange rates are available here.